Day: October 27, 2023

dr shridevi lakhe a best hair transplant doctor explaining how hair transplant works

How does Hair Transplant work?

Why and what is Hair Transplant? Hair is beautiful. Which is true. But the most important aspect of hair is that it makes you more


Is Hair Transplant Dangerous?

The biggest question and the first question we get at our clinic ‘Is Hair Transplant Dangerous? Or Can Hair Transplant cause complications? The answer to

a doctor doing hair transplant procedure on a male patient

Is Hair Transplant Permanent and safe?

The most important question and the first one that pops in our head when we think about Hair Transplant is it safe & permanent, how


At what age do men go bald?

Our head consists of nearly 1 lakh hair follicles, which starts to grow since our time of birth and should remain there for a long

a man applying cream on the infected area from the hair loss condition called seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic Dermatitis and Your Diet

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that mainly affects your scalp. It causes scaly patches, red skin, and stubborn dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis can also

a young lady shocked with hair loss in women

Delay will bring only ruin. Know how.

We often say that delay is okay, except in serious matters. Delaying has slowly creeped into us because we have been told to take it

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