Hair loss, also known as alopecia or baldness, refers to a loss of hair from part of the head or body. Hair is way more than a bundle of fibers. It’s an expression of your style and personality. Whether it’s short- or long-term, women lose hair the same way men do.
According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology (AOCD), this condition affects roughly 33 percent of all women who are at higher risk for the condition. Hair loss in women is a normal process, especially as you age, with most women experiencing hair loss after menopause. More than half of women ages 65 and older will experience some degree of hair loss.
In female pattern baldness, the hair’s growth phase slows down. It also takes longer for new hair to begin growing. Hair follicles shrink, leading the hair that grows to be thinner and finer. This can result in hair that easily breaks. It might thin all over, or your center part could get wider and wider. You might even get a bald spot at the crown of your head. One thing women rarely have: is a receding front hairline.
Minoxidil (Rogaine) is an over-the-counter (OTC) medication that can be used for men or women with alopecia areata or androgenic alopecia. FDA approved drugs come in foam or liquid form and are spread on the scalp each day. It may cause new growth faster and thick than before. You may also need to use it for 6 months or more to prevent further loss and promote regrowth.
Possible side effects include scalp irritation, hair growth on other parts of the face or hands that come in contact with the medication, tachycardia (rapid heart rate).
Laser devices stimulate hair growth for people with androgenic alopecia and pattern balding. Can be applied two to three times a week for 8-15 minutes. It may take several weeks to a few months before seeing results. Laser devices use laser energy to directly revitalize and stimulate hair follicles,working to promote the growth of new healthy hair with low-level laser therapy (LLLT).
The laser devices help increase blood circulation in the follicle to support natural hair growth.Regular use of LLLT stops hair loss and promotes hair regrowth FDA-cleared LLLT devices were safe and effective in those who did not respond to standard hair loss treatments.
Foods rich in vitamin A (e.g.sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, spinach), whole grains, almonds, fish, and meat rich in vitamin B ,Vitamin C rich foods (guavas, and citrus fruits), Iron and zinc supplements play a role in the development of healthy hair.
PRP therapy involves withdrawing your own blood and centrifuges to separate red blood cells from the plasma. The plasma containing growth factors is injected back into your scalp. PRP triggers natural growth by increasing blood supply to the hair follicles which increases the thickness of the hair shaft. This PRP hair restoration therapy can be combined with other medical procedures for the effective growth of hair.
Mesotherapy is a procedure that stimulates thin hair and dormant hair roots to grow by injecting nutrient-rich liquid into the dermis. A mixture of nutrient boosters that consists of minerals,peptides and stem cells is used to stimulate hair growth and reverse the process of hair loss. This provides nourishment and creates some microtrauma at the scalp causing skin to secrete growth factors at hair root sites. This boosts the germinating cells of hair roots to create stronger hair. It is a painless procedure and recovery is quick.
Hair transplant also works for female hair loss. Especially females who have traction alopecia, receding hairline, vertex thinning, and a stable donor area, Alopecia marginalis. Females should be 30 years and above as by then they have good stability in hair fall.
If you are experiencing hair loss, remember that you’re far from alone. At HFHG clinic, our expertised team of doctors will provide you thorough information about your condition and will prescribe the best suited treatment option for you. Feel free to consult for your problems.
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