GFC Therapy

GFC Therapy For Hair Loss

Growth Factor Concentrate Therapy (GFC) is a treatment that involves using a concentrated growth factor extracted from a patient’s blood cells to promote natural tissue regeneration. Blood platelets contain various growth factors extracted at high concentrations using a specially designed kit. 

This non-invasive and safe procedure has no platelet loss and is non-pyrogenic, making it an effective way to regenerate damaged tissues naturally. GFC therapy is commonly used as a hair loss treatment and can provide noticeable results in just a few sessions.

Rahul Bajaj
Nilesh Chotaliya
What is GFC?

GFC: the tube is impregnated with a derived form of extra growth factor concentrate, GFC treatment is the most advanced method of PRP and acts as faster recovery with double strength

It’s your own blood cell that involves the separation of a concentrated form of platelets from the patient’s own whole blood with the help of high-speed stable centrifuge machine at 3500 rpm speed

GFC (GROWTH FACTOR CONCENTRATION) is a medical procedure to repair regenerate and regrowth your damaged hair

PRP contains several different growth factors and other cytokines that can play a crucial role in the human body’s natural healing process, containing growth factors that stimulate tissue repair and regeneration.

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How GFC PRP Works for Hair Treatment?

In hair treatment, GFC PRP stimulates hair follicles, thus encouraging hair growth and improving hair thickness.

GFC (Growth Factor concentrate) Therapy

GFC Is a pure, safe, highly concentrated growth factor prepared from patients’ blood.

  • In GFC treatment, injecting higher concentrations of growth factors better than only platelets are extracted from the patient’s own whole blood.
  • GFC is safe, pure, acellular, and completely autologous.
  • GFC is injected directly into the scalp or skin and your own growth factors are delivered in high concentration to promote hair growth and improve hair thinning
Treatment Plan
  • GFC therapy Needs 3-4 sessions which are done at intervals of one month. 
How Does GFC Differ From PRP?
  • PRP involves extracting the patient’s blood, separating the platelets, and injecting the entire serum into the scalp.
  • The injected platelets then gradually release the growth factors that provide the intended results.
  • Alpha and dense granules are the two main granule kinds found in platelets.
  • Alpha granules contain specific proteins, such as VEGF, EGF, and IGF, that are necessary for hair regrowth. While During the process of PRP, both types of granules are released.
  • But in the GFC process, we utilize certain tubes with a patented activator that only activates the platelets’ alpha granules. As a result, we get the plasma that contains special proteins which are higher concentrations of growth factors that help to promote hair development.
How to Perform GFC for Hair Treatment?

Steps of GFC preparation for hair growth and hair loss are as follows.

  1. Blood Collection: Approximately 15-16ml of peripheral blood is collected from the patient, typically from the arm. It is collected in a small tube designed specifically for this purpose.

  2. Platelet Activation and Growth Factor Release: The blood in the tubes is gently mixed by inverting them 6-10 times and then left to stand for approximately 30 minutes. The platelets in the blood are activated by a proprietary platelet-activating solution present in the tubes, which helps to release various growth factors such as PDGF, TGF, VEGF, EGF, and IGF-1 from the platelets.

  3. GFC Separation in a Centrifuge: The collected blood is then processed in a centrifuge machine at speed of 3500 rpm for 7-10 min to separate the GFC from other blood components.

  4. GFC Extraction: After the centrifugation process GROWTH FACTOR CONCENTRATION is collected in syringes and prepared for injection.

  5. Preparation of site:  First clean the target area with an antiseptic solution and then give local anesthesia to make it painless
  1. GFC Injection: The GFC is injected into specific areas of the scalp using very fine needles.
A partial list of PRP-Based growth factors and platelet cytokines with their cell sources.

PGF and Cytokines

Cell Sources

Function and Effects


Platelets, endothelial cells, macrophages,
smooth muscle cells

Mitogenic for mesenchymal cells and osteoblasts; stimulates chemotaxis and mitogenesis in fibroblast/ glial/smooth muscle cells; regulates collagenase secretion and collagen synthesis; stimulates macrophage and neutrophil chemotaxis

TGF (α–β)

Macrophages, T lymphocytes, keratinocytes

Stimulates undifferentiated mesenchymal cell proliferation; regulates endothelial, fibroblastic, and osteoblastic mitogenesis; regulates collagen synthesis and collagenase secretion; regulates mitogenic effects of other growth factors; stimulates endothelial chemotaxis and angiogenesis; inhibits macrophage and lymphocyte proliferation


Platelets, macrophages, keratinocytes, endothelial cells

Increases angiogenesis and vessel permeability;
stimulates mitogenesis for endothelial cells


Platelets, macrophages, monocytes

Proliferation of keratinocytes, fibroblasts,
stimulates mitogenesis for endothelial cells



Macrophages, mast cells,
T lymphocytes

Regulates monocyte migration, fibroblast proliferation, macrophage activation, angiogenesis

Nilesh Chotaliya
Benefits of GFC Treatment
  • GFC Therapy is a next-generation hair loss treatment that uses a patient’s own growth factors to promote hair regeneration.
  • GFC Therapy is highly effective in promoting natural and enhanced hair regeneration, significantly increasing hair count and thickness.
  • The therapy is 100% safe, as it is prepared from the patient’s own blood.
  • GFC Therapy is prepared in a way that excludes red and white blood cells, reducing the risk of pain and inflammation.
  • The procedure is convenient and high-quality, ensuring a comfortable and stress-free patient experience.
  • GFC Therapy requires fewer sessions to achieve optimal results, making it a time-saving treatment option for those with busy schedules.
  • No platelet wastage during the procedure and a higher concentration of growth factors is extracted and injected directly into the scalp.
  • GFC serum extracted by the procedure has excellent stability for 8 hours at room temperature.
  • Very simple and safe procedure with minor risk of any complication.

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