Liver and Hair Loss: Can It Regrow Your Strands?

The liver is the largest organ in our body. It also does the most important functions of the body namely: healing, purifying, removing bad particles, etc. The inside of the liver doesn’t have pain receptors, so only people with excessive liver damage will feel tenderness from outside while touching the liver. Thus the insides of the liver never hurt, but when it is hurt, everything else goes south quickly.

We can under no circumstance survive without a functioning liver, and the same is true for our Hair. Hair is dependent for its survival on liver. The liver breaks down food and creates Proteins which build up Hair. And as we know hair is 100% protein. So we ought to take the best care for our liver.

Let’s delve into the fascinating connection between a healthy liver and your hair’s appearance and vitality.

Detoxification Duo

Your liver acts as a powerhouse for detoxification, helping to eliminate harmful toxins and chemicals from your body. When your liver is overwhelmed or not functioning optimally, these toxins can build up, leading to various health issues, including hair problems like dullness, breakage, and even hair loss. So, supporting your liver’s detoxification process is key to maintaining gorgeous locks.

Nutrient Highway

Think of your liver as a bustling highway for nutrients. It processes and distributes essential vitamins and minerals throughout your body, including those vital for hair health, such as biotin, vitamin A, vitamin E, and zinc. When your liver is in top-notch condition, it ensures that your hair follicles receive the nourishment they need to grow strong, shiny, and resilient.

Balancing Act

Hormonal balance is another crucial factor in hair health, and you guessed it – your liver plays a role here too! It helps regulate hormone levels in your body, including those that can affect your hair growth cycle. An imbalance in hormones, often exacerbated by liver dysfunction, can lead to hair thinning and other hair woes.

Now that we’ve uncovered the importance of a healthy liver for maintaining beautiful hair, you’re probably wondering, “How can I support my liver?”

3 best ways to take care of the liver


A diet high in vegetables specially spinach, legumes, nuts, kale, etc. Will help your liver to recover faster and always keep it tip-top. The liver fights many infections and is our best defense against foreign material. So, a healthy diet for the liver entails a healthy hair life.


Exercising is exerting yourself to be better. If our evolution has shown anything, it is that unless we move our bodies and exert ourselves we will never grow and remain stronger. Exercises don’t just entail lifting weights at the gym or going for a cross-fit workout, it includes the regular walking or any amount of cardio you do to take care of your heart and body at large.

It is recommended to work out nearly 150 minutes in a week, for preferably 4 to 5 days. What this does is, it increases your body’s consumption of calories and makes your liver work. Exercise may just use about 10% of your energy daily, but it helps you in keeping fat low and muscles more. Fats are excess energy that our livers can’t utilize, so they are stored and then they keep on increasing and increasing, if you don’t workout. So, jump up and run or jog or just walk, but do something.

Your liver demands it. Excess fat hurts the liver and that affects its ability to reap and harvest protein from food, which in turn ensures less protein for Hair and that causes Baldness. So better care for your liver entrusts you with a Better Hairline.

Staying Away From Harm

Never let your Liver get hurt, ever. Period. Eat the right kind of food, and eat optimally. Don’t eat food that are high in cholesterol or trans fat as that will scar your liver and you will grow overweight. Eat more Kale and spinach and foods rich in antioxidants to purify your liver.

If you are a drinking person, don’t drink extremely. Your liver can only sustain some abuse. More than required abuse will kill a lot of liver cells and then you yourself will face chronic diseases.

Most importantly, Taking Care of the Liver means Taking Care of Hair. A strong liver entails the well-being of Hair. So do everything right, and your Hair will be there until they are white.

But if you face any trouble, come to Hair Free Hair Grow. We provide you with the most novel treatments for Hair Fall and Baldness with Both Surgical and Non-Surgical procedures.

Live a Life Full of Hair, not devoid of it! For best Hair related treatment choose Hairfree & Hairgrow Clinic we are available in Pune, surat, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Mumbai , Bhopal, Hyderabad & Gurugram.

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