During hair transplant procedure, hairs are first extracted from the regions of the head that show resistance to baldness. After that, these resistant strands are implanted on the bald patches seen on the scalp. The process works because hair taken from the areas with resistance to baldness will remain resistant to baldness wherever they are placed. Hair transplant gives natural and permanent results.

Follicular unit or graft refers to a bunch of hair that grows in a group naturally on the scalp. A follicular unit can have 1 to 4 hairs in it. On an average, each follicular unit consists of 2.4 hairs.

When you are suffering from a high rate of hair loss and your scalp has become visible, you can go for hair transplantation after consulting your hair transplant surgeon.

We use the most technically advanced method of hair transplant. Instead of using the old punch graft or slit method technique, we perform hair transplant with the help of no touch and root by root techniques

Some scabs are formed on the scalp after the hair transplant. There will be redness visible on the scalp too. However, scabs and redness will wither away on their own within 7 to 10 days, and after that your hair will look as natural as they could.

You need to keep your scalp clean and shampoo your hair after the hair transplant. No special care is required.

No, we don’t use laser. In laser hair transplantation, laser is used to transplant hair. The procedure generates heat and destroys body tissues. Insertion of follicles becomes tough in it because they are not of the same size. Further, heat produced during the creation of the site decreases the blood supply in follicles, and therefore, the results are often poor.

It can be done provided you have enough good donor hair at back of your head. Our technique will give you natural and permanent hair with the kind of density and hairline you desire.

Hair transplant doesn’t require any overnight stay as it involves day care procedure only. You are free to return to your native place the same day after the procedure is over. We will instruct you how to take care of hair post surgery. No matter where you are, if you have any other query, contact us whenever you want and we will be more than pleased to address it.

The process of implanting 2000 to 2,500 follicles in a day is called a mega session.

Androgenetic Alopecia, commonly referred to as male pattern baldness (MPB), accounts for 95% of hair loss. There is hair loss among females too. Some of the most common factors contributing to hair loss are listed below:

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol intake
  • Stress
  • Genetic : Hereditary occurring in the family
  • Mechanical damage: Traction alopecia owing to regular use of wigs, hair weaving, hair bonding, etc.
  • Systematic Medical Problems: Hypothyroidism, high fever and pregnancy
  • Medications : Anti cancer drugs and radiotherapy medication
  • Alopecia Areta: Disorder in immunity causing patchy hair loss
  • Telogen Efflueum: Diffuse loss of long hairs with roots
  • Dermatological: Skin disease affecting scalp
  • Diet: Deficiency of vitamin A, E, and B or iron deficiency
  • Chemical damage: Use of bleaches, dyes, hard water and low quality cosmetic applications can result in hair loss too.
  • Idiopathic : No definite cause

Depending on the number of grafts you require, a hair transplant takes anywhere between 4 to 10 hours. It will start in the morning and will be over by evening .You can go back to your home the same day and don’t need overnight stay.

In the first session, the maximum possible bald area will be covered. We will try to implant the maximum number of grafts in that session. Generally, it’s a onetime process. However, in some cases of advance baldness, more number of grafts are required to cover a large area of baldness, and therefore, 2 or 3 sessions may be required.

A majority of patients, who have gone through this procedure, say they felt no discomfort or pain after the procedure. Local anesthesia is used in both donor and recipient sites so that a patient feels no pain during the procedure too.

The number of grafts required depends on: • The extent of hair loss • Hairline desire • Density of hair in donor area, • Density desired • Future hair loss

1st Growth Phase: Right after the plantation of the grafts, hair will start growing. It will grow up to 1-2 cm in the first 4-6 weeks. 2nd Temporary Shedding Phase: The transplanted hair will start falling, but roots will stay intact beneath the skin. This phase lasts for about 3 months. You need not to worry during this phase. Your transplanted hair will grow back soon and continue to grow throughout your life. 3rd Permanent Growth Phase: In this phase, all the fallen hair will grow back. The transplanted hair will have the same appearance as the natural hair and will keep growing for the rest of your life. You will able to see fully grown hair on your scalp in 6 to 9 months’ time.

As many as 3500 grafts can be transplanted in one day. If more than 3500 grafts are needed, it will be done over 2 consecutive days.
Following blood tests are conducted before hair transplant: • Hemogram • BT, CT PT • HIV, HBSAG • Blood sugar (random)
Hair transplant is performed inside a fully equipped and sterile operation theatre. We follow international guidelines laid for the procedure and have the highest standard surgical disposable items to ensure zero level infection. 1) Arrival- You should reach our clinic by 8 am. You will have to first fill a consent form and then pictures will be taken for documentation and to assess results. 2) Hairline marking- After consulting with you, a natural and unnoticeable hairline is designed. The whole head is trimmed then before being washed and cleaned with antiseptic solution. 3) Extraction of grafts- You will be made to lie down in a special imported hair transplant chair inside the operation theatre, and your scalp will be cleaned again. After that, local anesthesia will be given using a short needle. Once the scalp gets numbed, grafts are taken out using automated FUE machine with specialized blunt punches. Each graft is pulled out using magnifying glass with a special emphasis given on the angle and direction of the hair .The grafts are kept in a special solution at low temperature for their survival. Grafts are counted 3 times- using both hands a graft counter machine. A patient can check it at any time. 4) Implantation of grafts- The hairline is marked again following your consent. After numbing the head, implantation is done using specialized planters. It’s carried out under magnified vision (surgical Loupe), ensuring the natural angle, depth and direction of the hairs. 5) Cleaning & dressing- After the procedure is over, the whole head is washed with antiseptic solution. Dressing is done after that. It is removed the next day.

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