Hair Transplant Cost in Haridwar is depends on many factors. These factors are related to the place where the clinic is situated and upon the Baldness stage of a client. And even from clinic to clinic within the same city, location,experienced doctors or even premises, it might vary. But never forget, quality matters more than the cost. cost of hair transplant in Haridwar is also depends on the FUT and FUE technique, the cost of FUE hair transplant in Haridwar is high as compared to the cost of FUT in Haridwar. Visiting your nearest clinic of Hairfree Hairgrow in Haridwar can help you get the idea of average Hair Transplant cost.
The hair transplant cost in Haridwar ranges from Rs.20 to Rs.50 per graft. The doctor can tell you the exact cost only after the Proper consultation and scalp analysis, Haridwar Doctors also tell you how much graft & total price range of graft required for your hair transplantation.
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