Natural remedies for Faster and Thicker Growth of Hair? The complete guide!

an olive oil, amla bowl and egg bowl as a natural and home remedies for beautiful hairs

Being Hair full is a good dream we should all have, and if we don’t have that we should strive to possess that. We become what we think! And so we at ,Hair Free and Hair Grow give you the best tricks to grow your hair faster and thicker. To grow faster and to grow hair thicker are two different things. But they both go parallel and same tricks can lead to results for thicker and longer hair. You would want to grow hair faster after you would have gone bald or after a Hair Transplant. Thicker hair can there are several ways to do it.

The natural methods include:

1. Get regular trims

It may seem counterintuitive, but if you want long hair that’s actually healthy, you need to get regular trims. Regular Hair cuts remove split ends from hair. After all, a split end that breaks can lead to your hair losing length-not to mention shine, volume, and smoothness. Trimming will slowly grow your hair longer, follow this tip and see your hair grow longer.

2. Eat the right foods

Having long, strong hair doesn’t just depend on which products you put on your hair; it also depends on what you put into your body. To promote hair growth, you need to ‘feed’ the hair from the inside, and should increase your protein intake with foods like fish, beans, nuts, and whole gains.

3. Distribute your hair’s natural oils

Going to bed with unbrushed hair may seem tempting when you’re tired, but giving your hair a few quick strokes can be great for its health. Starting at the scalp, use a special type of brush called the boar bristle brush to distribute your scalp’s oils evenly onto your hair so it stays naturally moisturized. Oils keep up your hair’s natural strength and help in fast and easy production!

4.Massaging your hair

Massage your hair regularly to see amazing results. Massaging hair helps in improving the blood circulation in the scalp region. Leading to better hair quality and improves the thickness of hair. Regularly do a massage for 4 or more minutes to see results. A study in 2016 found that 24 weeks of regular hair massage either dry or with oil betters the hair thickness.

5.Quit Smoking

According to researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, smoking reduces blood flow to the scalp, preventing hair follicles from receiving adequate nutrition to grow healthy hair. Plus, according to the same study, smoking increases certain hormones that contribute to hair loss. This may not look like a hair growth technique, but smoking cause’s hindrance in Hair Growth, thus stop this today to see amazing hair!

6.Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is important for all body functions, including growing hair. Drinking more water will ensure adequate moisture for your hair follicles and Scalp. This is probably the easiest of all of the above but still the hardest. Remember to be hydrated always to see amazing results.

But to get better and faster Hair Growth you should come to Hair Free and Hair Grow to get the best Surgical or Non-Surgical method to increase hair both in volume and quality. Best Mesotherapy and Plasma Rich Platelet Therapy and best FUE and FUT kolkatahyderabad,SuratHair Transplant in Pune,gurugram,kolkataMumbai at affordable cost/price

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